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REVIVAL…is an act or instance of reviving; the state of being revived. Of course, it has several other more definitive and diverse meanings. It can be tied to a contract, economy, Broadway show, a publication, neighborhood; and yes, an old-fashioned tent revival. Revive is to restore to life or consciousness; to renew in the mind or memory.  

As I was reflecting on the subject, I was struck by this thought. I’ll use a person’s heart or lungs as an example. When a person is having a heart attack or cannot breathe, outside force is used. It can be a hand or medical pump, even shock treatment. The Heimlich maneuver comes to mind. You can pray, and you should; but you also may be the instrument to deliver the answer to the prayer. In each instance the action to revive the person’s heartbeat or breathing is from an outside force.

As many of you know I was led to write Revival of Repentance a few years ago. It addresses the need for revival in our country, beginning with each of our hearts being changed, and the means to bring about revival. 2 Chronicles 7.14 is the theme verse of the book. God calls us, the believers, to do certain things, and then he will do three things, resulting in healing and revival.

It would be nice if we come wave a magic wand and our nation’s values would change overnight. God knows what we need, and he wants it for us. Human nature is such that we know what to do, we just hesitate doing it. Too many things, good things even, get in the way. So what would a loving father do or a person attempting to revive a victim; they would apply the necessary outside force to accomplish the intended result.

This brings me to America, and the Church. Many people are praying for revival and a great awakening in our land. We have the recipe, we even have mixed the ingredients, but it takes the heat to finish the task. So it is with the Church in America. ‘So, where are you headed with this, Bill?’ Just this!

The first church in Jerusalem was commanded to make disciples there, in Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth. They were well intended but well entrenched in their comfortable surroundings. So, what does God do to fulfill his plan? Right, he allows or sends persecution! See, God’s ways are not ours, and his thoughts are much higher than ours. So, they left home, taking the gospel with them. Revival started happening wherever they went.

Is our church comfortable, our surroundings familiar to us? Is the Church united or only a reflection of our nation as a whole? Divided would be my answer! What do you think might be needed to bring unity, get us out of our comfort zone, to be the Church God has ordained us to be?

As I was reflecting on recent tragic events in our country and around the world, I started wondering if God’s hand is at work, for good, even through the bad. We are divided in most every possible way, until tragic events occur.

If and when God brings revival to the Church and our nation, it won’t be a ‘magic wand’, it’ll be an outside force that causes us to unite, sacrifice, pray, serve—get out of our comfort zones. That’s the beginning of revival. And it’s just how he has always worked, so why should we expect otherwise.

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity” (Psa. 133.1). Be reminded of the first dramatic revival at the beginning of the Church. A tragedy of tragedies had just overwhelmed them. Jesus had been crucified and eventually taken from them. Their hopes and belief system were shattered. But they obeyed Jesus and went to an upper room and were united in prayer. Pentecost came, revival of the highest order.

I say revival will come, and healing of our land, when we become a unified Church. And I for one believe God, in his infinite wisdom, knows just how to unify us. It most likely will not be pleasant, but with God, the end result will be incredibly worthwhile and glorious. He knows us—and he knows how to revive us! Bring it on!

P.S.—The only outside force for spiritual revival is the Holy Spirit! Always has been and always will be.