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Life Lessons by Bill C. Dotson

Delve into reflections,  insights and spiritual guidance from Bill C. Dotson, a seasoned author and speaker dedicated to sharing life’s lessons through his writings and teachings.

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Close, but no cigar!

Close, but no cigar!

For some of you who are not into golf, I encourage you to still read this. Maybe you can relate to it in some way. Every avid golfer wants to do at least two things over their career. A hole-in-one, and to shoot your age. One afternoon on the 17th hole at Bent Tree...

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REVIVAL…is an act or instance of reviving; the state of being revived. Of course, it has several other more definitive and diverse meanings. It can be tied to a contract, economy, Broadway show, a publication, neighborhood; and yes, an old-fashioned tent revival....

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More than you can handle = Reliance on God

More than you can handle = Reliance on God

This week’s message is from PJ Joy, a new friend. Last week was from my granddaughter, Sarah Peyton Ellerman. I believe you’ll be enriched and encouraged. More than you can handle = Reliance on God  2 Corinthians 1:8-9   “We do not want you to be uninformed,...

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Flourish Like a Palm Tree

Flourish Like a Palm Tree

I had the opportunity to return overseas to a country in West Africa to help lead a mission trip with our High School students through the church. Last year we helped come alongside local pastors by putting on a VBS in a nearby village. This year the pastors asked us...

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What is love?

What is love?

Would you agree, love is such a complicated thing, so misunderstood. But it’s the very essence of life, a fruitful life. To make things worse, or to possibly clarify, there are four types of love in the Greek language. Eros - Erotic, emotional, sexual Storgeo – Family...

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Prayer, who needs it?

Prayer, who needs it?

First of all, what is prayer? My simple answer is…spiritual and verbal communication with the God of the universe. And we know that communication involves more than one party. Intercessions, supplications, praises and adorations, pleadings, fasting, blessing,...

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From Queen Elizabeth to King Jesus!

From Queen Elizabeth to King Jesus!

Joanne and I have been watching the TV series, The Crown. It’s about Queen Elizabeth and her life. Because of her mother’s love for the Queen, Joanne has from childhood been a student of and an admirer of Queen Elizabeth and the history of the British hierarchy. Each...

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It’s a generational thing!

It’s a generational thing!

We just spent three wonderful days in Hoover, Alabama with our eldest daughter, four grandchildren, a granddaughter and grandson-in-law along with three precious great grandchildren. Lord willing, and if I am living this time next year, there will be two additional...

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Are you Serious?

Are you Serious?

Several years ago, I read an article that listed the Holy Bible as the best seller every year for decades. The next statistic was really interesting. It stated that there were more Bibles stolen each year than the next best seller. As of 2021, one source estimated...

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Is God aware?

Is God aware?

If you are like me, everywhere you turn you see a deterioration in the moral and spiritual culture of our nation, and even within the church. I’ve been on this planet living in America for 86 years. Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed what I am seeing...

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