Maybe you’ve been told of the joy when you were born;
Can anyone even imagine that first Christmas morn?
Angels singing, shepherds quaking at the news;
Leaving their sheep to go see, how could they refuse.
What did they find but a Baby Boy with mom and dad;
Not in a mansion, but a manger, the very best they had.
What were they thinking, could he really be the King;
The One about whom the prophets told, and angels now sing.
I can only imagine their feelings, as they knelt there in awe;
Anxious to go and tell family and friends all they saw.
The good news spread fast, bringing rejoicing everywhere;
Bethlehem had been chosen the city, the Son of God to bear.
This was just the beginning, all the world would soon know;
That God had sent his Son, into a young man he would grow.
No other birth has had such an effect on mankind or ever will;
When you really embrace it, your heart cries out, “Be still”.
How could Mary know that one day her Son would walk on water;
Or this Carpenter’s Son would save our sons and daughters?
Baby Jesus, in the manger, had all of creation in his hands;
And also knew he was there to obey his Father’s commands.
Jesus, the Christ, Messiah, God Incarnate, Savior, Immanuel;
All embodied in this one Child, as Isaiah 7 did fortell.
Such a humble birth, but that’s only the beginning;
Destined for the cruel cross, many souls to be winning.
When you consider this Baby, what is he personally to you;
Is he your only means of salvation, or just one of a few?
About himself, he said he is the way, the truth, and the life;
Believe that he died, rose again, making the ultimate sacrifice.
It makes for a much more blessed Christmas, that is for sure;
Embrace the Child, trust in him, eternal life he does assure.
Merry Christmas, Bill and Joanne