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Death And Grace!

Death And Grace!

What is your view of death? Do you fear it or do you prepare for it? Do you know what happens after it? So many questions, because it is, from a human standpoint, something that cannot be described. I would say, overall, most people fear death. Believers and...

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Covenants come in all sizes and shapes, so to speak. Most times they are between two or more parties. Treaties could be described as covenants. They are formal and informal, bi-lateral and unilateral agreements. And...

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Temporal vs. Eternal!

Temporal vs. Eternal!

As I was watching, listening and reading about the inauguration of Donald J. Trump yesterday, I could not help but think about a temporal government versus an eternal one. God has established governments to be able to lead people; to provide peace,...

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Much more!

Much more!

Have you ever stopped to consider all the times you’ve doubted your value in your business, your family, on a sports team, the church, whatever? Doubt is a powerful lever to remove us from right thinking about ourselves. Not in a prideful way, but in a humble and...

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