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Lean into the wind!

Lean into the wind!

Our church is studying the 22 passages within Psalm 119. They are the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. And in Hebrew, each line starts with the same letter. Try that in English. One of the examples used a few weeks ago was concerning the Ecosphere. This was an...
What on earth is going on?

What on earth is going on?

The very first words in the Bible are: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1.1). The scriptures that follow outline in detail that he took six days to make everything, including mankind. Everyone on board so far? You can’t help...
Close, but no cigar!

Close, but no cigar!

For some of you who are not into golf, I encourage you to still read this. Maybe you can relate to it in some way. Every avid golfer wants to do at least two things over their career. A hole-in-one, and to shoot your age. One afternoon on the 17th hole at Bent Tree...


REVIVAL…is an act or instance of reviving; the state of being revived. Of course, it has several other more definitive and diverse meanings. It can be tied to a contract, economy, Broadway show, a publication, neighborhood; and yes, an old-fashioned tent revival....
More than you can handle = Reliance on God

More than you can handle = Reliance on God

This week’s message is from PJ Joy, a new friend. Last week was from my granddaughter, Sarah Peyton Ellerman. I believe you’ll be enriched and encouraged. More than you can handle = Reliance on God  2 Corinthians 1:8-9   “We do not want you to be uninformed,...