Sporting events and competitive games have always intrigued people in all generations. Each is quite different in many ways. Question: what is the game using a ball where the ball does not score the point(s)? The answer comes later. And what is the racing event where the contestant(s) have their back toward the finish line when they cross? Who answered both of them correctly without help?
One evening at the RREACH celebration dinner, Ramesh Richard shared an interesting story and challenge. He was exhorting us to stay in the race to advance the gospel. Their goal by 2030 is to reach one billion people across the globe with the saving message of the gospel. He was explaining the logic and strategy which was compelling.
One of his Board members asked him the second question. He was making a point that we don’t know when our days here on earth will end, which for each of us is our finish line. The answer is rowing. My youngest grandson Renzo was on a rowing team in Great Barrington. He has shared many aspects about the sport which he grew to love. The oarsmen have their back to the finish line rowing as a unit and their eyes are fixed on the Coxswain who is directing the rowers and steering the boat.
Ramesh was using the metaphor to remind us that our days on earth are in God’s hands, but we are to continue to fight the battle not knowing when the finish line will come. By faith, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus, the true Coxswain. He reminded us that if our name is not in the obituary today, we have work left to do. So, keep rowing in the waters in which God has placed you. Your reward will be astonishing, far better than standing on the winner’s stand and receiving the gold medal.
Paul said; “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved his appearing” (II Tim. 4.7,8).
Not just you, but all who are in the ‘boat’ with you who will have ‘finished the race’. We run the race, fight the good fight, not for earthly treasure or acclaim, but the “crown of righteousness”. It’s not temporal, it’s eternal!! “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (I Cor. 2.9).
So, the choice is yours; to stay on the bank, or get in the boat and ‘Row, Row, Row’. You may not see the finish, but you are going to love the results!! O, the answer to question 1 is baseball. The runner scores the point, not the ball. I know, you knew that already!
P.S. I recently turned 87. I sense that God has more for me in which I am to invest my life. My growing family and fatherhood discipleship are the two priorities. What are yours?