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We’re all probably familiar with “The Power of One”. It began as a novel first published in 1989 and a movie in 1992. It’s about an English South African boy raised under apartheid in the 1930’s and 1940’s.  In 1939, as Hitler casts his enormous, cruel shadow across the world, the seeds of apartheid take root in South Africa. There, a boy called Peekay is born. He embarks on an epic journey, through a land of tribal superstition and modern prejudice, where he will learn the power of words, the power to transform lives and the ‘power of one’. I invite you to read the novel for the ‘rest of the dynamic story’. 

For years I have observed something very specific and special in the way God accomplishes his perfect will in our world. Simply, God does not call a group, he calls one person, of high or low stature, to follow him for a purpose, known only to God. From the very beginning, throughout scripture, this is patently true. We’ll review just a few to draw you into this mindset. It’s fascinating and it’s powerful, and it is humbling. 

First, he created one man, Adam; then he created one woman out of him. It all starts there.

Abraham was not a follower of God at the time he was called out of Ur to become the father of nations, as a result of his eventual faith in God.

Noah was selected to build an ark which took over 100 years and everybody thought it was crazy. The ark saved animals and humankind.

Joseph was the youngest of twelve boys. Jacob, his father, blessed him, and through that he encountered incredible difficulties, all leading to Egypt to become Pharoah’s favorite. And was used by God to save his family during a famine and eventually all of Israel in Egypt.

Moses was chosen after 80 years, 40 of which were spent running away from God and his people. He led the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land and much more.

Daniel was a young boy in exile, became highly favored by the king because of his faith and his superior intelligence. He refused to worship the king’s statue and survived the lion’s den, and so much more along with his friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He is one of the most powerful prophets in all of the Old Testament.

Elijah was summoned by God and then performed many miracles through him. He mentored Elisha, and by the hand of God, he performed double the miracles of his tutor. 

Ruth is a woman greatly used by God, along with Esther. Powerful women of God.

David was the youngest of Jesse’s family. God chose him as king of Israel over his older brothers, and his kingdom became the everlasting earthly kingdom leading to Christ. We know about his sins, but repentance is what God saw. 

And there is John the Baptist, the twelve disciples, even the one that would betray him. Then Paul on the road to Damascus. Each one was specifically called by God. Because of their faith and service to Christ, the gospel spread across the known world, and it’s still being done today.

Lest we forget the Samaritan woman at the well who became the first evangelist in her town after meeting Christ during a predestined encounter.

Billy Graham became one of the leading preachers/evangelists in the world after God led him to a tent meeting in North Carolina one evening. The evangelist delivered the message that changed Billy Graham’s life and the life of millions of people through his ministry. 

And my personal testimony is that God woke me up one night in 1986 which led to the creation of Dallas Real Estate Ministries. Twenty-five years later, he laid a vision on my heart and mind and a fatherhood discipleship book, From Faith to Faith, was written after which Abiding Fathers was formed. 

How about Ramesh Richard (RREACH), John Maisel (East-West), Jeff Parker (ROD), to name only a few. 

All these are one individual who God called to extend his kingdom on earth until Christ returns. Only God can do this!! AMEN! What’s your calling story?