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Life Lessons by Bill C. Dotson

Delve into reflections,  insights and spiritual guidance from Bill C. Dotson, a seasoned author and speaker dedicated to sharing life’s lessons through his writings and teachings.

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Witnessing And Testifying

Witnessing And Testifying

Witnesses…are people who have seen, heard or experienced something. Further, they may be called upon to share the information with another party, group or even in a courtroom. They may be asked to ‘testify’ as to the facts. We all have experienced this in...

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A new day!

A new day!

There’s so much excitement about new beginnings. Our family had two wonderful new beginnings this year. Our fourth and fifth great grandchild, Lily Jane D’Spain, and Micah Lucas Ellerman were born in the latter part of 2024. What a rich blessing. As we look to the new...

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Rays of Light in Darkness

Rays of Light in Darkness

By Rebecca Ellerman, eldest daughter of Bill C. Dotson “For God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6). This past August an MRI report...

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Christmas 2024 – Poem

Christmas 2024 – Poem

Maybe you’ve been told of the joy when you were born; Can anyone even imagine that first Christmas morn? Angels singing, shepherds quaking at the news; Leaving their sheep to go see, how could they refuse. What did they find but a Baby Boy with mom and dad; Not in a...

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Finish the race!

Finish the race!

Sporting events and competitive games have always intrigued people in all generations. Each is quite different in many ways. Question: what is the game using a ball where the ball does not score the point(s)? The answer comes later. And what is the racing event where...

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The food chain!

The food chain!

We are all familiar with the ‘food chain’ that exists in the world. If not, you have been asleep at the switch. Try going to a jungle or even a forest, maybe your own backyard. Somewhat like the ‘survival of the fittest’. Did it exist before the ‘Fall’? Did God intend...

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The Hound of Heaven!

The Hound of Heaven!

I received this email recently from Damon D. Having spent many years actively teaching the Bible and the fatherhood discipleship curriculum -From Faith to Faith- at the Union Gospel Mission, I was certainly humbled and equally grateful for his message of a changed...

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One by one!

One by one!

We’re all probably familiar with “The Power of One”. It began as a novel first published in 1989 and a movie in 1992. It’s about an English South African boy raised under apartheid in the 1930’s and 1940’s.  In 1939, as Hitler casts his enormous, cruel shadow...

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God spoke clearly to the Israelites at the dedication of the temple by Solomon. He revealed that he could shut up the heavens, so that there was no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land or even send pestilence among his people. Doesn’t sound very pleasant or...

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Freedom! never free. You have heard that many times. Maybe it has become such an oft-spoken phrase, especially at times of memorials, that it has become a cliché. Unless you have been directly impacted by circumstances that really hit close to home, this is a...

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